Sarah Pearce, 113cm, Cato River, NT 02/12/2017

We would like to welcome Sarah Pearce to OMBC  with this impressive 113cm fish! Her friend Ellen submitted Sarah’s entry and gave us the background of this exciting Barra capture. “We were in ‘no name creek’ at the Cato, East Arnhem Land NT. We weren’t catching any fish that day, only small cod. This turned out to be Sarah’s 4th Barra ever… all of a sudden,  on the edge of about a 5 metre hole flicking with a samaki vibe, she started winding in the slack. Something bit and she thought it was just a little fish like a cod. Then the “little” fish jumped out of the water and the fight began!”

Thanks for submitting this Ellen and lets welcome Sarah to One Metre Barra Club.

113CM Barramundi, Sarah Pearce
113CM Barramundi, Sarah Pearce